
What to do?

OK, so I already have a "private" blog, GoodStuff. The idea here, was to have a shared blog/wiki that a few friends and I would use to share papers, articles, book references and links of any note. Being based on snipsnap, we also have a simple wiki and the ability to upload files. Sounds ideal for what we were trying to achieve - a collected set of links, papers, and our own articles. Alas, a web interface just seems to be too much effort, and very little uploads of papers are made, with only slightly more posts. Also, everyone wants their own blog it seems.

The precursor to goodstuff was just a file share. This was limited as it is difficult to arrange a directory into anything but a hierarchy and there is no indexing or metadata for searching. However, with the advent of Spotlight and Google Desktop search, perhaps a return to a shared drive, with access via WebDAV or just plain old rsync would be the best for quick file management. Files can be synchronised with the server which can make them available on the web, and only links posted.

So, I now have an offline cache of the papers and the like that I manage locally and then rsync. I've also taken to VooDooPad as a local wiki/notepad tool. This is quick, simple and easy to use, but with the ability to export the wiki to a web page, or even my iPod. Nice. There are of course many similar programs both for the Mac, Wndows, Linux and so on. Spell-checking, drag and drop linking and off-line access are some of the benefits of these programs.

Furthermore, I ended up ranting as per usual, so perhaps my own rant-laden blog is appropriate.

So, this is it.


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